Orphaned Land

Resurrection: The Very First Years Compilation, 2021

1 Midtempo Classic Non-Prog Death
added by bardberic
Review by bardberic published , edited
Midtempo Classic Non-Prog Death

"A hard rating for me to give, but aside from "Radiation Decay (Live)," "Broken Epitaph (Live)", and "Unburied Corpse (Rehersal)," most of the music here honestly is kind of junky... had those three tracks been released on a smaller EP, this would have been given a much higher rating... the poor recording quality doesn't help either. However, this is an insightful look into the band's very early years (as indicated by the album's subtitle). It's cool to see how "that" riff on Radiation Decay was re-used on "The Storm Still Rages Inside," later on in the band's career, for example. It also seems that parts of Broken Epitaph were too reused in the Sahara/Beloved's Cry version of The Storm Still Rages Inside, but I'm not totally sure. It's a great archival release, but I wouldn't recommend it for anyone other than hardcore Orphaned Land fans, or fans of the most underground, lo-fi early death metal imaginable. I do, however, find the opening of the album quite funny with someone shouting "Sheket!" ("Quiet!") in Hebrew multiple times - the band members were teenagers back then lol"

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