Cock C'Nell Japan

added by DamoXt7942
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Review by DamoXt7942 published
Cock C'Nell Compilation, 2002
Psych Prog Rock

"A novelty for me.

Such an approach like this album can let me feel dearness like a good old memory as well as freshness. Indeed not only the recording condition but also their play on stage itself is not so good, but this unpolished air and their awkwardness can notify me their exquisite attraction. They might play real music that can touch directly our mind, with simple phrases and persistent repetitions. Whatever you feel from what I've said, at first listen to the beginning of the first track Michi No Owari (The end of the road) Part 1 & 2 , and you will feel bloodcurdling soundscape with an aggressively loud and low-tone guitar solo and heavily scattered drum sounds. Setsu NOGATA's effortful voices following that can accelerate this threatening atmosphere. The sounds as if they left their muddy footprints on our mind are mysterious but somehow charming - why? Guess they should be an aggregate of incomplete stuffs - either ensemble or composition - and this incompleteness can let us fall into them pleasantly.

The CD released in 2002 is the reissued live album in 1981 with 9 unreleased tracks added. Our stomach is full enough to listen to the first four tracks from their 'Live', but in their bonus tracks are a sharp-edged space rock song like Kuroi Shisen (Black eyes) and brilliant psychedelia like Improvisation or Saisei (Regeneration). In my humble opinion COCK C'NELL did not have a strong intention or assertion that they should play psychedelic progressive rock or space rock...we can feel their psychedelia naturally, though."

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