White Willow Norway

46 Prog39
[Awesome Musicianship13, Awesome Production13, Awesome Songwriting12, Awesome Composition13 and Great Lyrics11]
added by avestin
Review by Rivertree published , edited
Symph Prog Folk Rock

"This is quite an acclaimed group for sure. Finally it was the 2023 Karisma Records re-issue of their debut that engaged me to get closer. Founded by guitarist Jacob Holm-Lupo the band underwent many line up and complementing influential changes in the further course. This album sees a large number of invitees, and is of an eclectic approach with sophisticated compositions, Symphonic as well as Folk as the main stylistical attributes. Not far away from the sound of Ciccada from Greece as one example. Lyrics are both in English and native language. I would say certainly a milestone in Prog history."

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