Ion United Kingdom

7 Prog7
[Supreme Production3, Awesome Composition3, Awesome Songwriting3, Awesome Musicianship3 and Great Lyrics3]
added by PowerWyrm
Review by PowerWyrm published
Dark Minimalistic Prog Art Rock

"The new album from ex-Anathema member Duncan Patterson. People familiar with his work in Antimatter will love this album. It is very hard to describe the beautiful music recorded here... perhaps a mix of acoustic Antimatter and Talk Talk (last two albums). Mostly classical instruments are used (flute, clarinet, mandoline, viola, classical percussion, harp), and if most of the songs are sung in english, other languages are used (which I didn't recognize... maybe brazilian, spanish and greek). And the beautiful voice of Emily A Saaen overwhelms the album with emotion...

If there are albums that can't be missed, then this is one of them."

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