Morgan Ågren, Henry Kaiser, Trey Gunn

2 Partially Instrumental Prog2
[Good Lyrics, Good Coverart, Good Production, Good Composition and Good Songwriting]
added by PowerWyrm
Review by PowerWyrm published
Eclectic Prog Rock

"I've listened to this album a couple of times in a row... and now I have a big headache.

By looking a the last Trey Gunn albums, I was expecting a spacey release with a lot of melodic moments... well, this is completely the opposite. Frenzy drumming, saturated guitar solos, long instrumental improvisations. This is more in the vein of King Crimson's Thrak/Thrakattack albums. Sometimes the three musicians play like they were performing three different tracks... Not really bad, some moments are even quite enjoyable, but in the end it feels repetitive... and literally heavy."

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